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Universally Balanced means being connected to the universe within you. It is a stable space built on the foundation of self love. It is in this magnificent place you are able to manifest successtully your physical. emotional.mental and spiritual goals.


Balance is that place from which all knowledge comes. When we have balance in our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual lives; we know peace. What does this exactly mean for you? It means that when you are centered, there is a balance of all areas of your life and you feel good physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.


Are your thoughts balanced with love (universe)? Without the balancing energy of love (universe), thoughts can easily pull us off center in such a way that it creates an imbalance in one or more areas of our lives and from the love that we truly are.


We will design a program that will SET UP your Step Up.

SET UP= Self Empowerment Transformation Universally-Balanced Program

Universally Balanced

Jennifer Rudnicki, MI

“Dr. Kimberly Taylor is a phenomenal healer. I booked an appointment with her for a career energetic blockage I was having. I did the full hour Angelic Reiki session. The VERY NEXT day, the specific blockage was removed. "

Ace, MI

"Words can’t describe my experience with Dr. Taylor. She is a true healer and has helped me for many years not just with my physical and emotional health, but also in my spiritual life. 
Sphere on Spiral Stairs

Carol Hartwell, MI

"She has helped me peel back the layers of density, that I had been holding onto and heal what was no longer what I thought I "needed". As I navigated this new me with her guided meditations and healing sessions I also signed up for all of the Angelic Reiki courses."
White Sand and Stone


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